Server CCCam Premium Non Stop All Channels 28/11/2014

Serevr Cccam

server cccam
Server Cccam

Server Cccam

  Server CCCam Premium Non Stop All Channels 28/11/2014
PORT: 13000
User + Pass


Download Cccam server

Syntax cccam server : C: { caid:id:uphops, caid:id:uphops, … }
In a C line we can have :
1. Instructions where to look for a cccam server
2. Which port that cccam server is using 3. Username to connect to that cccam server
4. Password to connect to that cccam server 5. If you like to recieve Emulator shares from keys (i recommend using “no” here)
6. Limiting what to get from that particular cccam server { caid:id:uphops, caid:id:uphops, … }